The Day

The day has finally passed. We've been married for The pictures from the Ceremony and Reception have now been finally uploaded.

I was born in Madhepura, Bihar. I am a Bengali who is proud of her Bihari roots. It is hard to believe with the way I am, but I am very close to my roots and very proud to be India. Now, that I have explained my patriotic nature I will move on…. 

I finished high school in India (Notre Dame Academy, Patna, Bihar) and then came to Canada in 2001. Then I joined York University in June 2001. I made many friends there and Gautam was a friend of a friend named Gaurav. Gaurav was really close to me and he truly made my life here in Canada better. He was one of the sweetest friend’s I have ever had. He was the chatty one who used to make my day…on the other hand Gautam was the quiet one. Didn’t really talk to me and was busy with his life. But every time we did meet GJ made sure he picks on me or has some comment about me (not good ones obviously).  

On my Birthday in 2002 I was really sad as I missed home and didn’t have friends to celebrate my special day with. Then, my sweetest friend Gaurav threw a small party for me. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. But off course, GJ was 2 hours late!! But Mr. J was smart enough to apologize right away and got me flowers!!! (he has a knack in making things right in he own ways…) After that day GJ and I became better friends than acquaintances. We had our ups and downs, didn’t talk for a few years in the middle (or that’s what he claims….I don’t believe it) and rarely ran into each other due to our busy schedules and different life styles. 

In the year 2005 I realized all my friends had either graduated from University or had moved elsewhere and only GJ and I were left at York U. So we picked up on our old friendship from that very year. He supported me in everything I did, made my graduation day special, cheered me up when I was sad, and understood when I needed space but yes!  He still picked on me!!!  

My friends and family noticed that I was happier and Gautam was a good person with a great heart. GJ “knew” (apparently) that things were definitely going to work out between us! Then, in the summer of 2009 GJ asked me to marry him and I said yes. J and the rest is history…. 

Gautam he has been a good friend, a good companion and a very good person to me. He has been very patient with me and is very understanding. He loves me and really cares about my feelings and my needs. He listens to me and thinks my jokes are childish and funny. His grounded attitude keeps me grounded. Watches chick flicks with me and makes fun of me when I cry. Takes my pictures when I ask him to, but shakes his head when I pose a lot. Cooks yummy food and kicks people out of the kitchen.  

What GJ needs to work on is his impatience and general ADD. He needs to stop cutting me off when I am talking, lower his voice when I am in the car ( I think he forgets its smaller than his house...loll). Gautam needs to stop beings so serious about putting everything in it’s right place and calm down a little. As far as I know non-living things don’t have feet and they don’t walk off from wherever you keep them. GJ needs to realize that. And finally, as much as I adore his passion towards his profession, I hate it when I am talking and he is busy with his “tech toys”.
Chandni GJ
Sushi – love it Sushi – Got Chandni into it
Pop, hip-hop, techno, dance music  – love anything that makes you dance, even if I don’t get the lyrics(Tamil songs) GJ shakes his head, specially when I try to sing Tamil songs
Weekends – go out, party, dance, music be loud Weekends- relaxing, slow, mellow, laptop and video games
My favorite meal is pancake breakfast at Cora’s on the window seat where the sun on my face! It just brightens my day GJ totally agrees
Coffee – Gautam makes the best coffee Coffee – Gautam agrees with a cocky grin on his face
Love dogs GJ agrees
I am a really messy person GJ agrees with his hands up!
Love long phone conversation Phone is just a phone and it is made not to chat with but only a device to send important information
Love apartments …..lets not start another fight…..
Camera – love to be in front of it Camera – loves to be behind it
Shoes – high heels! Shoes – with expensive insoles!
Clothes – define you Clothes – define you but Chandni takes it too seriously!
Hindi movies – LOVE THEM! Hindi movies – loves to watch Chandni cry when she is watching those “stupid and ridiculous” Hindi movies

To Gautam, 

I am really happy to be a part of your life and really eager to make a future together. I am a person who needs a strong shoulder to lean on and I promise to be strong for you too. I am sorry for being picky and so shaky but hey – that’s how I am! Thanks for being patient with me, understanding me and being there for me all the time. I admire you and you are my strength. Hopefully I can be the kind of wife you want….now can you please make some coffee for me! ;)  

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